“Crosswalk” Heads to North Carolina

I’m happy to officially announce that “Crosswalk” has been selected to be part of the 20th Annual North Carolina Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in Durham this August! It’s included in a lineup of shorts in a program called “Temperature Rising,” showing on August 15 and 16. 10-passes (which allow attendees to view 10 films/programs for $85) are available online starting tomorrow, and individual tickets go on sale on Aug. 3. Special thanks again to my collaborators for making this project happen, especially to O.K. Keyes (Cinematographer, Editor, and overall film guru) and the rest of our cast and crew: LaTrell Brennan, Kate Dzvonik, Alice Wyrd, Nick Ducko, Rebecca Shrom, and Christine Parham.

Also, while you’re fitting “Temperature Rising” and the other great features/shorts programs into your viewing schedule, make sure you plan to go see “Erogenous Regions,” a shorts program featuring “50%,” a quirky, autobiographical short by the talented SC-based actor/director Elizabeth Houck (cinematography and editing also by O.K. Keyes). This program will be showing on Aug. 14, 16, and 21.

What else should folks add to their viewing list? Check out the full schedule on the NCGLFF website, and let me know what films I should add to my “must-watch” list: http://www.carolinatheatre.org/films/festivals/ncglff

Mark your calendars, buy your passes, and come enjoy this fabulous festival!